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Friday, September 23, 2011


I have been very negligent in providing an update on the 3.1 miles I most recently added to my tally. However, my friend and fellow Warrior Emily is way more on top of things than I, so you can read her synopsis of our experience HERE.

To Emily's observations, I would add the following of my own:
  • It was really fun! I actually enjoyed the climbing obstacles a lot more than I would have expected--partly, I think, because I was surprised that I could actually do them all.
  • However, in spite of this, I would most likely not sign up for Warrior Dash again in the future. My feeling going in was that in order to absorb the true "Warrior Experience," I should participate in all of the challenges--including the final slog-through-the-mud-pit one. Which was really gross. Actually, the pit itself was not so terrible (although I did keep finding other people's abandoned socks down at the bottom), but trudging around afterward to get a "shower" (no joke, a dude with a fire hose) and making our way back to the car in mud-saturated attire was not an experience I'm anxious to repeat.
  • 3.1 miles may not be a long distance, but after all that climbing over stuff, I was REAL TIRED.

6.2 miles completed out of 40! Next up is the Nashville Half Marathon on November 12--which means lots of training for the next 7+ weeks. So far I am up to 8 miles on my weekly "long" runs.

1 comment:

  1. I love that your "Warrior Face" is the same at the beginning and the end. :)
